Saturday 7 January 2012

3 Down, 47 to go....

So I was able to cross the first three things of my list today. The first one was 'do an internet blog' which of course you are reading right now so thats that one out of the way.

The next two I was able to do together - decided to embark upon a 12 hour movie marathon of films I had never watched and incorporated within this was watching The Godfather which had a place on the list itself as shamefully I had never seen it all the way through. I started the 12 hours at 9.30am and went right through to 9.30pm at night. During this I managed to consume 6 cups of tea, 2 packets of monster munch, a peanut butter sandwich, a packet of haribo and some awful chocolate whisky liquer things (can you tell Im now at the rubbish end of my christmas sweeties). Anyway on to the films:

First up was The Godfather, this is a film I have had on dvd for about 6 years and never watched all the way through, tried and failed about 3 times - got bored every time. The thing is I always know that deep down I would love it and I just need to give it a chance and watch it fully. Well I was certainly awake at 9.30 in the morning when I put it on - watched the full thing and I still found it a bit....meh! Don't get me wrong it wasn't a bad film or anything, I just kept thinking how over rated it seemed to be. There was some great performances in the film - no more so than Marlon Brando but by the end I was disappointed. Doesn't inspire me to watch the second film or watch this again. 6/10

Decided to switch to war for the second choice of the day with Inglorious Basterds. I have had this in my collection for around 6 months and yet to watch it, I'm a huge Tarantino fan so I actually suprised myself that I hadn't watched this until today. In a complete contrast to The Godfather, I loved this film! I'm a big Brad Pitt fan and although this isn't one his greatest 'acting' performances he is very good in this film and his character is brilliant. I liked the story, the gruesomeness, the soundtrack, the comedy moments. For me the star performance was from the French lass in the leading female role, thought she was great. 9/10

That was going to be a hard act to follow and Ice Age didn't really stand a chance. In general I'm not a huge fan of kids films or any of the animated films (Shrek 2 being the exception). This film was fun however and an easy watch, there were no laugh out loud moments but it served its purpose and was pretty much as I expected. Also watched this on Blu Ray and the picture quality was sensational 6/10

Leonardo Di Caprio has fast become one of my top three favourite actors over the last 10 years and I make a point of watching any film he is in as it almost guarantees a great film! Unfortunately that can't be said of the next film I watched Body of Lies. I thought this film was total guff from start to finish. I thought it was hard to follow, the storyline didn't quite flow, Russell Crowe was pants and it was just all over the place. Di Caprio was ok in his role but even he wasn't up to his usual high standards. Probably the only film of his in the last 15 years I haven't enjoyed 2/10

The final film for me to watch was Goodfellas, like all the rest it was another long film and after the diappointment of The Godfather this morning, I had my doubts over this. Again its another 'classic' film that I should have seen way before now but for one reason or another I had never watched it. Thankfully this was alot better and ensured my night finished on a good film. An interesting storyline, some superb acting performances and some quality killing scenes made this a great film. I love the way the film was narrated and the soundtrack was also very good. It probably went on 30 minutes longer than I would have liked and there was a bit of boring filler in the middle but I guess thats me just being picky. 8/10

So thats the first three things done from my list, onwards and upwards from here. I am going to start on watching Dexter tomorrow but I'm only starting series one so I'll be a while before thats finished, the same can be said for the Stephen King books on my list that I plan to start on tonight. All in all a positive start to the nifty fifty.

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